Persian Yoga

The world’s oldest living art of strength used by wrestlers, martial-artists and Immortal warriors

Pahlavani (Persian Yoga), the world’s oldest living art of strength, is a martial-arts conditioning system traditionally practiced by ancient Iranian knights and warriors and present day Olympic champion wrestlers and martial-artists.

We are the premier providers of original and authentic, traditionally hand-made Persian Meel, Shena and Sang and step by step Pahlavani education.

Pahlavani – Persian Yoga

The physical culture of ancient Iranian knights and warriors.
Learn the original curriculum of Pahlavani (Persian Yoga) as taught in the Zurkhaneh (house of strength) from Dr Kashi Azad DC trained in the traditional lineage of Iran’s oldest house of strength with a modern and evidence informed approach in easy to understand, clear and concise in person and online modules.

This practice embraces many forms of physical conditioning for any person wanting a more functional and durable physique. I have found the benefits to be far more than I could have imagined.

Dr David Oxenham
Chiropractor, Persian Yoga teacher

Meel – Persian clubs

Explore the benefits of multiplanar dynamic resistance training, also known as circular strength training, for enhancing shoulder health, grip strength, core strength, and coordination.

Embrace fluidity of movement and increased strength by engaging in the meditative experience of swinging Persian Meel.

The Persian Meel has to be the best designed club I have ever come across.

Paul Wolkowinski
Indian clubs teacher

Shena – push-up boards

The Shena board is a simple but powerful tool to unlock the full potential of push-ups. It enables a greater variety of push-ups to create dynamic movement flows for full body strength conditioning.

Whereas the Persian Meel target the shoulders, the Shena targets and forges tremendous hip strength and mobility.

It is easily the most challenging practice, but the mobility that the Shena brings is liberating.

Dr Andrew Lock
Physiotherapist and the Australian bench-press record holder

Sang – shields

Sang – the ultimate functional strength building tool to develop extraordinary core and grip strength and coordination.

The kinetic linkage, coordination, alignment and strength to push from the core out to your grip is a key factor in strength sports, martial-arts and for preventing back-pain from activities of daily living.

I have been using Meel and Shena to train and since introducing Sang into the mix I have gained a new level of strength in movement. Persian Yoga has been an invaluable practice that has helped my martial arts by increasing my flexibility and strength in movement.

Joshua G.
Tradie and martial-artist

Trusted by notable past and present Olympic and world champion wrestlers, martial art practitioners, and countless ancient knights and warriors in history.

Browse our collection of the best authentic Persian Meel® Shena® Sang® and Kabbadeh® traditionally hand-made in Iran to support the originator communities and culture.

Our Recent Products

Original price was: $375.00.Current price is: $350.00.
Original price was: $125.00.Current price is: $95.00.
Original price was: $425.00.Current price is: $400.00.
Original price was: $180.00.Current price is: $150.00.
Original price was: $350.00.Current price is: $325.00.
Original price was: $70.00.Current price is: $50.00.
Original price was: $475.00.Current price is: $450.00.
Original price was: $750.00.Current price is: $725.00.
Original price was: $105.00.Current price is: $75.00.

Google Reviews

Justas D
Justas D
I have a chronic back pain after trauma, which periodically creates physical spine scoliosis. Visited Dr Kashi, and after thorough test he promised 3 sessions to release my pain and back stifeness. Amazing! He worked it in 3 sessions! Thank you for taking great care!
Jason Dux
Jason Dux
I had 3 appointments in 3 weeks with Dr Kashi, highly recommend for anyone feeling any sort of discomfort or pain.
Alex Kettlebell Club
Alex Kettlebell Club
Kashi is a true Legend coach and master in his skills After each session I have with him I feel great and energised, if you are looking to get fitter and stronger and give your body a great mobility He is the man to contact
Radley Spring
Radley Spring
I have purchased 12 items from Kashi through the Persian Yoga website and have had exceptional service each time. The service has been friendly and seamless each time and the products always exceed my expectations. I intend on continuing to build my collection!
Efat Jan
Efat Jan
Dr Heidari is strongly recommended due to his professional integrity and commitment to his clients. He is highly dedicated to his patients and has always treated me with care and compassion.
Houman Sahraei
Houman Sahraei
I recently suffered a shoulder and neck injury after a Gym workout. I was in a lot of pain and reached out to Dr. Khashi from Persian Yoga and he was absolutely amazing. I noticed pain relief after the first appointment. It’s now been two weeks since the incident and after one visit with Khashi I’m feeling almost 100%. I would highly recommend Dr. Khashi to anyone.
maria K
maria K
Khashi is such an amazing chiropractor!!! I have been seeing him 2 times a month for a year for 1hr adjustment and not only has my pain gone, but my overall physiology is lengthened and less fluid build up around my joints and I have a lot more range in my shoulders. Khashi is always kind, caring and understanding during the treatments. He is a holistic practitioner and If you need exercises in between treatments he will provide them and educate you on how to get better posture. He tailors the treatment to how you are on the day weather you have been training and muscles are sore or the muscles are cold, and has never rushed the treatment since the whole time I’ve known him. If you are looking for a chiropractor that “just knows” without you having to explain in detail exactly what is causing your pain- Please see Khashi. I was initially so nervous seeing a chiropractor for the first time but Khashi put me at ease straight away! He knowledgeable and very easy going and made me feel relaxed. I always leave his clinic thinking its definitely money well spent so worth it. Thankyou Khashi! ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Amazing experience. Kashi is a great teacher and Persian Yoga is no joke - epic physical and spiritual conditioning that I look forward to incorporating into my daily practice.
Alon Fisher
Alon Fisher
I did a full day immersion seminar with Kashi the Persian Yoga teacher. His knowledge and instructions were clear and captivating. I wasn’t sure what to expect coming in, but I took away an amazing functional exercise routine to bullet proof my shoulders, hips and core. I’m very keen to do another seminar with kashi next time he’s in Melbourne.
Sharlene Xavier
Sharlene Xavier
Amazing seminar. Very interesting, challenging and highly enjoyable. Dr Kashi is a brilliant teacher. I wwould highly recommend for everyone to try this awesome functional movement, strength & conditioning practise.

From strength man attains truth.
From weakness stems crookedness and lowliness.