
Shena – an ancient tool for the most ancient of all exercises

The Shena is used as a symmetrical stable platform to do push-ups on. It enables a greater variety of push-ups, is gentle on the wrists and enforces correct joint alignment during dynamic body-weight movements.

kashi azad doing split stance push-ups on the Shena push-up board

The push-up – The greatest of all exercises

Push-ups confers not only physical benefits but also the profoundly empowering feeling to be able to push oneself off the ground and stand tall as a man.

Experience the greatest excitement in restoring natural alignment and develop real functional multi-planar strength, endurance and mobility.

Shena means swimming in Persian, envisage fluid, circular, wave-like motions.

Matt Furey combat conditioning coach, Zen master, author

The Persian Yoga Shena board is the granddaddy of them all.

Matt Furey
Combat conditioning coach, Zen master, author

Original Shena push-up boards

Simple and powerful

The Shena encourages external rotation of the arm at the shoulder joint when doing push-ups, i.e. it enforces correct posture and technique every-time reducing the stress on the glenohumeral joint.

Compared to Western push-ups where the hand position is often perpendicular to the floor and directly under the shoulders, the Shena  enables a more natural wrist alignment and enables a greater range of motion where the hands can travel below the 12th rib during the push-up.

The Shena shifts the centre of mass superiorly, enabling leveraging of the body-weight, making the push-ups more challenging and allows you to do push-ups on any surface.

Shena – an ancient tool for the most ancient of all exercises


Kashi Azad doing Persian stretching push-ups on the Shena

Build powerful hips and solid chest

✓ Designed after the officially recognised standards set by the International Zurkhaneh Sports Federation.
✓ Solid and ultra portable.
✓ Time-tested simple and powerful strength conditioning tool.

The Shena will continuously offer new ways of challenging your abilities and take your strength to new heights.

Mr Eduardo Baxia
Padel champion and Persian Yoga teacher

Experience a stronger yoga practice